My husband brought home the bacon today . . . but only because I didn’t go with him.

This year a butcher-counter-clerk took pity on my bacon-loving-soul. Bacon is on sale in the fall because that is when pigs are butchered. When you order a 15 lb box from Smith’s Grocery(Krogers and Fry’s are part of the same grocery line) they take 20% off for a bulk purchase. We had our most beloved-butcher-counter-clerk order a box of bacon. It took a few days to come in. The box comes in 3, 5 lb vacuum sealed packages. The box contained a sheet of 10 label stickers. Dan and I broke the packages down into single pounds. We vacuum sealed, dated, and stickered the bacon. Once, you add in the vacuum bag, we spent $3.45 per lb -for thick cut hickory smoked bacon. Please do not confuse this bacon with the name-brand-less-satisfying-pre-packaged-6 oz-bacon.
Until we are able to process our own bacon this is a great way to save money to put towards our other projects.